Balck squids with triglie fish all Livornese style
Ingredients for 4 people:
800 gr of squids
8 triglie fishes
fresh tomatos ( ciliegino type )
concetrated tomato sauce
extravirgin olive oil
garlic, pepper
salt and paprika

clean the squids, washing them and leaving aside the sacs of black liquid. Set them in an oven-dish, where we previously cooked olid garlic and pepper white wine sage and concentrated tomato. When this is half cooked than add the black liquid of the squid.
Clean the triglie fish and cut them into fillets, taking good care of taking away all the spikes; put them in a pan for a few minutes with oli garlic sage and pepper.
To be server putting the squinds for first and than the fillets of trigllia on top, and fresh tomato to decorate it.
Straccetti pasta with triglia fish
Ingredients for 4 people:
Pasta sfoglia done with 150 gr of “00”flour
50 gr of Semola flour
4 fresh eggs
a little salt
2 spoons of oil

Prepare a thin layer of fresh pasta, cut it intp little squares. Clear well the triglia fish from the skin and the spikes; lightly fry some white onion with garlic paprika and oil and than wetten with a little water and white wine. Than add the triglie fish for just a few secondo and than take them out and cut them into fillet. At this point cook the past for approx 2 minutes than put them in the pan where we previously cooked the triglie (but make sure that you take out half of the sause that was tere, to keep it). The second half of the sauce needs to be added only when you have finished cooking the pasta, together with fresh ciliegini tomato cut int cupes and parsil. TO be service than on the plate with some frsh olive oil and parsil to decorate.